Become Part of Our Network of CDR Projects

Carbonx is your long-term partner for the development of your projects. We offer various tools and instruments to accelerate your development so you can focus on what you do best: capture and remove carbon from the atmosphere.
Carbonx Nature

Secure Long-Term Offtake Agreements

Carbonx empowers CDR projects to secure long-term offtake agreements to accelerate and scale up production capacity. To date, our efforts have translated into over:

of CO₂ committed to high durability CDR pathways
of $ unlocked for leading CDR projects

diversified across Direct Air Capture (DAC), Biomass CDR, Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) and Ocean CDR.

Access to Buyers, Finance and Insights

Participate in our RFPs

We run regular Request for Proposals (RFP) on behalf of companies to allocate CDR commitments.

Benchmarks for Your Projects

We provide you with insights into how your project stacks up against similar projects in the market.

Streamlined Procurement Contracts

We developed standardised carbon agreements to use directly, saving time and mitigating risks.

Secure Financing

Secure financing through long-term and bankable offtake agreements to maximise your project's success.

Our Assessment Criteria

Rigorous demonstration of the following criteria is most critical qualifying step as part of our purchasing process.

  • Durability & Storage
    Assessment of the maturity of storage solution, potential reversal risks and monitoring overtime of the CO₂ through scientific papers and track record of the storage solution.
  • Additionality
    Assessment of the additionality of the project, especially for biomass processes, ensuring the removal would not have occurred otherwise.
  • Carbon Emissions & Efficiency
    Assessment of the emissions generated of the project across its lifecycle, the transparency provided and robustness of methodology, ensuring project results in net removal of CO₂.
  • Verifiability
    Assessment of the methods and process implemented to measure and monitor CO₂ removal, through evaluation of scientific grounds, third party verification, transparency provided and operational on-site measurement process & tools.
  • Environmental & Social Integrity
    Assessment of the project compliance with highest standards of safety, compliance, and local environmental outcomes, and mitigation measures implemented against identified risks and negative externalities on an ongoing basis.
  • Technology
    Assessment of technology maturity and capacity to deliver volumes at scale through evaluation of TRL, number of tonnes removed and track record of the solution.
  • Operational
    Assessment of capacity to implement effectively and efficiently project at scale through evaluation of partners, procurement milestones, local stakeholders engagement and permitting.
  • Financial
    Assessment of the financial viability of the project and the supplier, through evaluation of project's unit economics and supplier's financial strength.
  • Strategy & Team
    Assessment of the team capacity to deliver an industrial project at scale, innovation and research capabilities, long term strategy to reach large scale and optimise for cost.

Contact Us for More Information

We offer expertise, insights and guidance through the process. We focus exclusively on high durability CDR and are ideally positioned to help you achieve your goals.