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CarbonX Kicks Off the “Seeing is Believing 2024 Tour”

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23 September 2024
Seeing is Believing Tour 2024 - CarbonX Carbon Capture Scotland Novocarbo

We’re excited share that CarbonX’s Seeing is Believing 2024 Tour is underway, with the completion of exclusive site visits to two of our key partners: Novocarbo and Carbon Capture Scotland. These visits were not only about reinforcing our partnerships but also about offering our buyers a unique opportunity to gain firsthand insight into the groundbreaking projects that are shaping the future of the carbon removal market.

Our first stop was Novocarbo, based in Hamburg. A leader in biochar production and innovation, Novocarbo has one of the largest biochar distribution networks, established since 2018. Their approach of integrating heat generation with biochar production, along with their cutting-edge R&D, particularly for construction and other high-impact applications, sets a new standard in the industry. Witnessing their operations in person reinforced our belief that biochar plays a critical role in global carbon reduction efforts.

We then visited Carbon Capture Scotland, where we saw their pioneering carbon capture technology in action. At their key site, North British Distillery in Edinburgh, we observed their innovative process of capturing CO2 from whisky distilleries and biogas plants. What stood out was Carbon Capture Scotland’s ability to transform industrial by-products into valuable carbon credits—directly contributing to decarbonising Scotland’s iconic whisky industry. Their scalable infrastructure and expertise in carbon capture technologies make them a pivotal player in the global push for a net-zero future.

The Seeing is Believing 2024 Tour is just getting started, and we invite you to join us for one of our upcoming visits. Follow the link below to learn more and to be part of this exciting journey towards global decarbonisation.

Interested in joining us on our next visit? Click the here to secure your spot.